University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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You are viewing BMP records related to the Visual Resource Management BMPs publication.

BMP ID Short Title Text of BMP
5147 All long-term facilities should be painted the same color. Partial Conformance: "All long-term facilities in a particular location should be painted the same color. An operator is typically provided 60 to 90 ...
5174 Areas to be drill seeded must have a smoother texture. Site Preparation: "Areas to be drill seeded must have a somewhat smoother texture."
4985 Avoid locating facilities near prominent features. Avoid locating facilities near "prominent" features: " A prominent feature may be something with a specific name or that serves as a landmark."
4995 Avoid locating roads and pipelines on steep slopes. Avoid locating roads and pipelines on steep slopes: "Follow the contours of the land to reduce earthwork/disturbance."
4997 Avoid locating well pads adajent to steep slopes. Avoid Locating Well Pads On or Adjacent to Steep Slopes: "Long, side-cast fill slopes like this are nearly impossible to reclaim and will be ...
4996 Avoid locating well pads on steep slopes. Avoid Locating Well Pads on Steep Slopes: "... If you must locate on a steep slope, avoid the sidecast of materials. If this well location could be ...
4983 Avoid placing facilities on ridgetops. Avoid placing facilities on ridgetops: "Roads, on the other hand, may be less visible if located along ridgetops, but if they are located on the ...
4991 Avoid straight lines in visually sensitive areas. Roads: "Avoid Straight Lines In Visually Sensitive Areas •Follow the contours •Put a bend in the road where it joins a main road so as ...
5046 Barren well location will result in visual contrast. Barren Areas = Mud + Weeds + Maintenance $ + Lost Forage + Visual Contrast: "Leaving large, barren well locations during the life of the well will ...
5014 Bury Flowlines and Pipelines Bury Flowlines & Pipelines: "To reduce visual contrast in visually sensitive areas, flowlines and pipelines should be buried, preferably in or ...
5035 Centralize tank batteries out of sight. Centralize Tank Batteries Out of Sight: "Centralize tank batteries for several wells in a place that is less visible from key observation points."
5040 Co-locate wells to reduce road, pad, and utility surface disturbance. Co-locate Wells: "Where practical, co-locate wells to reduce road, pad, and utility surface disturbance."
4988 Consider cumulative effects Consider Cumulative Effects: "The addition of new wells to a highly developed area may not have a noticeable cumulative effect, but could have an ...
4998 Construct the minimum road necessary Construct the Minimum Road Necessary: "The BLM 9113 Roads Manual states—'Bureau roads must be designed to an appropriate standard no higher than ...
5142 Do not experiment with mixed colors. Choosing the Appropriate Color: "It is not necessary to experiment with custom mixed colors. The BLM has done that for you with the creation of two ...
5140 Do not select colors to simply match the exposed soil. Match Colors in Landscape: "Do not select colors to simply match the exposed soil. Consider the overall dominant color in the landscape, especially ...
5141 Do not use "BLM Desert Tan" or "Desert Brown" for colors to match the landscape. Match Colors in the Landscape: "Avoid the use of "BLM Desert Tan" or "Desert Brown" because most landscapes are not this light."
5139 Do not use a strong contrast in color Color: "Color is generally the least expensive and most common design (or mitigation) measure used to reduce visual contrast. VRM Principle: A strong ...
5146 Enact full conformance, not partial. Partial Conformance: "The color you select may blend fairly well with the background, but if the site is accessorized with white well signs or silver ...
5045 Encourage the re-establishment of native vegetation. Encourage the Re-establishment of Native Vegetation: "Proper interim reclamation can lead to the re-establishment of local, native vegetation ...
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