University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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You are viewing BMP records related to the Final Environmental Impact Statement, Jonah Infill Drilling Project, Sublette County, Wyoming, Volume 2. Appendix A: BLM Standard Stipulation/Mitigation Requirements publication.

BMP ID Short Title Text of BMP
4911 A strategy will be developed to acquire data in a timely manner Standards for Healthy Rangelands: "Implementation of the Wyoming standards will generally be done in the following manner. If a lack of data ...
4905 Allotments with existing management plans and high-priority allotments will be reviewed first Standards for Healthy Rangelands: "Implementation of the Wyoming standards will generally be done in the following manner. Allotments with existing ...
4892 Conduct inventories or studies in accordance with BLM and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service guidelines Wildlife Mitigation Guideline: "2d. Portions of the authorized use area legally described as (legal description), are known or suspected to be ...
4910 Corrective actions will be developed and implemented if livestock grazing practices are found to be a contributing factor Standards for Healthy Rangelands: "Implementation of the Wyoming standards will generally be done in the following manner. If livestock grazing ...
4895 Elk and bighorn sheep also require protection from disturbance Wildlife Mitigation Guideline Guidance: "Elk and bighorn sheep also require protection from disturbance from May 1 to June 30, when they typically ...
4894 Legal descriptions must become part of condition for approval Wildlife Mitigation Guideline Guidance: "The legal description must eventually become a part of the condition for approval of the permit, plan of ...
4906 Lower priority allotments will be reviewed as time allows Standards for Healthy Rangelands: "Implementation of the Wyoming standards will generally be done in the following manner. Lower priority ...
4888 Make appropriate modifications to imposed restrictions for the maintenance and operation of producing wells. Surface Disturbance Mitigation Guideline: "Appropriate modifications to imposed restrictions will be made for the maintenance and operation of ...
4903 Manage rangelands so they can best sustain historical, economic etc. development Standards for Healthy Rangelands: "Wyoming's rangelands should be managed with consideration of the state's historical, cultural, and social ...
4896 Mitigation will be considered when proposed discretionary land use could affect characteristics which qualify a cultural property Cultural Resource Mitigation Guideline: "When a proposed discretionary land use has potential for affecting the characteristics which qualify a ...
4893 Modify operational plans to include the protection requirements of any wildlife as well as its habitat Wildlife Mitigation Guideline: " 2d... In the event that (name) occurrence is identified, the lessee/permittee will be required to modify operational ...
4912 NEPA and other laws and regulations mandate BLM to analyze the socioeconomic impacts of actions Standards for Healthy Rangelands: "The National Environmental Policy Act (part of the above-mentioned first planning tier) and various other laws ...
4891 No activities or surface use on that portion of the authorization area identified within Wildlife Mitigation Guideline: "2c. No activities or surface use will be allowed on that portion of the authorization area identified within (legal ...
4916 No surface disturbance near greater sage grouse leks "Greater Sage-grouse Leks: No surface-disturbing activity March 1-May 15 Within 0.25 mile of occupied lek boundary"
4917 No surface disturbance near greater sage grouse nesting habitat "Greater Sage-grouse Nesting Habitat: Greater Sage-grouse Nesting Habitat: No surface-disturbing activity March 15-July 15 Up to 2-mile radius of ...
4918 No surface disturbance near winter greater sage-grouse habitat "Winter Greater Sage-Grouse Habitat: No surface-disturbing activity Nov. 15-March 14 Within identified winter habitat"
4898 No surface occupancy allowed on major reservoirs or dams No Surface Occupancy Mitigation Guideline: "No Surface Occupancy will be allowed on the following described lands (legal description) because of ...
4915 No surface occupancy near greater sage grouse leks "Greater Sage-grouse Leks: No surface occupancy Year-round Within 0.25 mile of occupied lek boundary"
4899 No surface occupancy near riparian areas "Riparian Areas: No surface occupancy Year-round Within 500 feet"
4920 No surface occupancy within National Register of Historical Cultural Resource Sites boundaries "National Register of Historic Places Cultural Resource Sites: No surface occupancy Year-round Within site boundaries"
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