University of Colorado at Boulder
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Citation Label: WY064
Publication Name: Final Environmental Impact Statement, Jonah Infill Drilling Project, Sublette County, Wyoming
Publication Type: Project NEPA Document
Section Name: Volume 2. Appendix A: BLM Standard Stipulation/Mitigation Requirements
Author Name: Bureau of Land Management
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Publication Year: 2006
Publication No.: BLM/WY/PL-06/006+1310
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Annotation: BLM prepared the FEIS to provide a basis for deciding whether to approve additional infill drilling in the Jonah Field, and if so, what approach balances all resources uses to the best advantage. The document was prepared to analyze the potential impacts of the project. Volume 2 includes apendices A - J.
Required vs.
Recommended -- Appendix A: These guidelines are primarily for the purpose of attaining statewide consistency in how requirements are determined for avoiding and mitigating environmental impacts and resource and land use conflicts. Consistency in this sense does not mean that identical requirements would be applied for all similar types of land use activities that may cause similar types of impacts. Nor does it mean that the requirements or guidelines for a single land use activity would be identical in all areas." Page A-1
Ownership: Federal -- " The purpose of the proposed development is also to enable the commercial production by Operators of federally owned natural gas in conformance with BLM RMP oil and gas objectives, pursuant to their rights under existing oil and gas leases issued by the BLM, and to prevent drainage of federal minerals by wells located on adjacent non-federally owned lands (i.e., State of Wyoming lands)....The decision BLM will make as a result of the analysis presented in this FEIS is whether to allow, and under what conditions to allow, the development, operation, maintenance, and reclamation of expanded development/surface disturbances on federal land in the JIDPA." Introduction page I-4 to I-5