University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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Citation Label: CO166
Publication Name: Brighton Memorandum of Understanding, (Draft Model)
Publication Type: MOU/MOA
Section Name:
Author Name: City of Brighton
Other Authors:
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Publication Year: 2015
Publication No.:
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Local Source File: CO166_Brighton_Model_MOU.PDF
Annotation: This is a model (draft) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Brighton and an Operator intended to provide conditions under which Operator will develop and operate future gas facilities or newly expanded facilities in the City, in order to foster the efficient and economic production of oil and gas resources, to protect human health, safety and welfare, and to protect the environment and wildlife resources, while at the same time providing for a predictable and expeditious administrative process for obtaining City land use approvals and permits for oil and gas facilities.
Required vs.
Required: "The following conditions will apply to all of Operator’s newly permitted wells and facilities within the City of Brighton (“City”), as of the effective date of the fully executed MOU between the City and Operator." p. 9.
Ownership: Federal, State, and private -- Applicability to a specific land or mineral ownership is not implied in the document, rather provisions generally apply: "The following conditions will apply to all of Operator’s newly permitted wells and facilities within the City of Brighton (“City”), as of the effective date of the fully executed MOU between the City and Operator." p. 9.