University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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BMP ID: 4964
Title: Install Electric Starters.
Text: Table 1â€"Cost-Effective Options for Reducing Methane Emissions: "Install Electric Starters. Gas-expansion starter turbines on compressors, generators, and pumps can also be replaced by electric starter motors, similar to an automobile engine starter. The technology may include a connection to utility electrical power, site-generated power, or solar-recharged batteries. Conversion to electric starters completely eliminates the venting of methane to the atmosphere and potential leakage of methane through the gas shutoff valve. Partners have reported savings of 23 to 600 Mcf/yr depending upon how frequently engines are restarted and how readily the engine starts up. A single start of a properly tuned engine may require 1 to 5 Mcf of gas at 200-psig average volume tank pressure, depending on engine size. This technology can pay back in less than 3 years." [see Table 2 and 3 in source document for costs, benefits and production characteristics]
Source Publication Name: Cost-effective methane emissions reductions for small and midsize natural gas producers
Citation Section: Table 1
Citation Page: 4
Supplemental Documents:  
Usage Type: Recommended
Timing: • Production / Operation / Maintenance
Oil / Gas Field:  
Surface Ownership: • Federal
• State
• Private
Mineral Ownership: • Federal
• State
• Private
Primary Contact: Environmental Protection Agency
Ariel Rios Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC  20460  United States
Phone:(202) 272-0167     Alt. Phone:(202) 272-0165
Fax:     E-mail: 
Alternate Contact:  
Categories: Air Quality and Emissions
Location: General / Federal
Vegetation Types:
General Comments:
Cost-Benefit Analysis: Cost & Benefits: Equipment Cost= $10,000; O&M Cost= $50; Saleable Gas Saving (Mcf/d)= 3.7; Expected Payback= Around one and a half year. Price assumption $5/Mcf; Operating Requirement= Requires electrical power supply; Basis for cost saving= One starter, 10 starts/yr with average leakage through the gas shut-off valve; Other Benefits= Reduced operator attention.
BMP Efficacy:
Date Entered: 2009-04-20 11:56 UTC
Last Updated: 2009-08-19 21:09 UTC