Short Title |
Text of BMP |
2758 |
Discharge produced water to impoundments |
"Produced Water Management, Discharge to impoundments: As is done in parts of the PRB in Wyoming, produced water can be discharged directly to ponds ... |
2764 |
Discharge produced water to shallow aquifer |
"Produced Water Management, Disposal to shallow aquifers: It is possible to dispose of produced CBM water into shallow, drinking water aquifers. For ... |
2762 |
Discharge produced water to surface waters |
"Produced Water Management, Discharge to surface water: Produced water can be discharged to waters of the state with an appropriate permit from the ... |
2768 |
Produced water beneficial use: agriculture |
"Produced Water Management, Agricultural beneficial uses: Montana ranchers and farmers require large volumes of water to irrigate crops and water ... |
2767 |
Produced water beneficial use: industry |
"Produced Water Management, Industrial beneficial uses: Oil and gas and CBM development will require large quantities of water during drilling, ... |
2766 |
Produced water discharge to deep reservoir |
"Produced Water Management, Disposal into deep zones: Operators can inject CBM produced water into deeper reservoirs that are not classified as ... |
2759 |
Produced water discharge to impoundment requirement |
"Produced Water Management, Discharge to impoundments: ...In Montana these ponds require MBOGC permits." |
2760 |
Produced water discharge to impoundment requirement |
"Produced Water Management. Discharge to impoundments: ...and if the water is in excess of 15,000 mg/l TDS the pond or impoundment must be lined with ... |
2761 |
Produced water discharge to impoundment requirement |
"Produced Water Management. Discharge to impoundments: ...Such discharges will require a general produced water discharge MPDES permit from the MDEQ ... |
2765 |
Produced water discharge to shallow aquifer requirement |
"Produced Water Management, Disposal to shallow aquifers: ...If the injectate (CBM water) exceeds primary drinking water standards, the permit may ... |
2763 |
Produced water discharge to surface waters restriction |
"Produced Water Management, Discharge to surface water: ...New discharges are subject to Non-degradation Rules (ARM 17.30.700). These rules prohibit ... |
2769 |
Produced water treatment |
"Produced Water Management, Pre-Disposal treatment. Produced water can be treated prior to being discharged or disposed. Treatment such as reverse ... |