University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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You are viewing BMP records related to the Final Water Resources Technical Report, Montana Statewide Oil and Gas E.I.S and Amendment of the Powder River and Billings Resource Management Plans, Chapter 6: Mitigation of Impacts to Water Resources publication.

BMP ID Short Title Text of BMP
2758 Discharge produced water to impoundments "Produced Water Management, Discharge to impoundments: As is done in parts of the PRB in Wyoming, produced water can be discharged directly to ponds ...
2764 Discharge produced water to shallow aquifer "Produced Water Management, Disposal to shallow aquifers: It is possible to dispose of produced CBM water into shallow, drinking water aquifers. For ...
2762 Discharge produced water to surface waters "Produced Water Management, Discharge to surface water: Produced water can be discharged to waters of the state with an appropriate permit from the ...
2768 Produced water beneficial use: agriculture "Produced Water Management, Agricultural beneficial uses: Montana ranchers and farmers require large volumes of water to irrigate crops and water ...
2767 Produced water beneficial use: industry "Produced Water Management, Industrial beneficial uses: Oil and gas and CBM development will require large quantities of water during drilling, ...
2766 Produced water discharge to deep reservoir "Produced Water Management, Disposal into deep zones: Operators can inject CBM produced water into deeper reservoirs that are not classified as ...
2759 Produced water discharge to impoundment requirement "Produced Water Management, Discharge to impoundments: ...In Montana these ponds require MBOGC permits."
2760 Produced water discharge to impoundment requirement "Produced Water Management. Discharge to impoundments: ...and if the water is in excess of 15,000 mg/l TDS the pond or impoundment must be lined with ...
2761 Produced water discharge to impoundment requirement "Produced Water Management. Discharge to impoundments: ...Such discharges will require a general produced water discharge MPDES permit from the MDEQ ...
2765 Produced water discharge to shallow aquifer requirement "Produced Water Management, Disposal to shallow aquifers: ...If the injectate (CBM water) exceeds primary drinking water standards, the permit may ...
2763 Produced water discharge to surface waters restriction "Produced Water Management, Discharge to surface water: ...New discharges are subject to Non-degradation Rules (ARM 17.30.700). These rules prohibit ...
2769 Produced water treatment "Produced Water Management, Pre-Disposal treatment. Produced water can be treated prior to being discharged or disposed. Treatment such as reverse ...
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