University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

Browse BMPs

You are viewing BMP records related to the BLM 2006 Best Management Practices Awards publication.

BMP ID Short Title Text of BMP
6279 Recharge nearby aquifers for more useful and efficient disposal of produced water 2006 BLM BMP Award to Anadarko: "Recharge nearby aquifers for more useful and efficient disposal of produced water"
6280 Reduce impact of power line construction 2006 BLM BMP Award to Anadarko: "Reduce impact of power line construction"
6281 Reintroduce native vegetation to drill site areas 2006 BLM BMP Award to Shell: "Better drill site reclamation by replanting native plant species"
8601 Restore sage-grassland habitats during interim reclamation 2006 BLM BMP Award to Shell: Restore sage-grassland habitats during interim reclamation using Best Management Practice application methods and seed ...
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