Short Title |
Text of BMP |
6279 |
Recharge nearby aquifers for more useful and efficient disposal of produced water |
2006 BLM BMP Award to Anadarko: "Recharge nearby aquifers for more useful and efficient disposal of produced water" |
6280 |
Reduce impact of power line construction |
2006 BLM BMP Award to Anadarko: "Reduce impact of power line construction" |
6281 |
Reintroduce native vegetation to drill site areas |
2006 BLM BMP Award to Shell: "Better drill site reclamation by replanting native plant species" |
8601 |
Restore sage-grassland habitats during interim reclamation |
2006 BLM BMP Award to Shell: Restore sage-grassland habitats during interim reclamation using Best Management Practice application methods and seed ... |
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