University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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You are viewing BMP records related to the Final Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision Castle Peak and Eightmile Flat Oil and Gas Expansion Project Newfield Rocky Mountains Inc., Record of Decision publication.

BMP ID Short Title Text of BMP
140 A 400-foot well and road buffer must be located 0.5-miles from an active, inactive, or newly discovered eagle and hawk nests. FISH AND WILDLIFE: "WFM-3 — A 400-foot well and road construction buffer from slopes greater than 40 percent located within 0.5-mile of an active, ...
5733 A Class III cultural resources survey must be conducted over all proposed surface disturbance areas. CULTURAL RESOURCES: "A Class III cultural resources survey, conducted by a qualified archaeologist, would be conducted over all areas proposed for ...
5731 All disturbed areas will be recontoured to blend as near as possible with the natural topography. CULTURAL RESOURCES: "All disturbed areas will be recontoured to blend as near as possible with the natural topography. All unnecessary berms will be ...
5734 All proposed actions on public lands will be analyzed for their potential to release hazardous materials into the environment. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND WASTES: "HZ04 — All proposed actions on public lands will be analyzed for their potential to release hazardous materials ...
5711 Allow an experimental, non-essential black-footed ferret reintroduction on one site within the DMRA. BLACK-FOOTED FERRET, WHITE-TAILED PRAIRIE DOG: "FW32/PW11— Allow an experimental, non-essential black-footed ferret reintroduction on one site ...
116 Allow new surface-disturbing activities on critical soils Soil and Water Resources: "SW01/PW30 — Allow new surface-disturbing activities on critical soils on about 75,000 acres within level 3 lands only if ...
152 Allow new surface-disturbing activities within 330 feet of riparian zones only when no other alternatives are practical. FLOODPLAINS AND RIPARIAN AREAS: "RI04/PW27 — Allow new surface-disturbing activities within 330 feet of riparian zones only when it can be shown ...
150 Areas of critical soils and floodplains are closed to off-highway vehicle use FLOODPLAINS AND RIPARIAN AREAS: "PW31/SW03 — Areas of critical soils and floodplains are closed to off-highway vehicle (OHV) use and ...
5699 Authorize no action in suitable habitat for threatened and endangered species. SPECIAL STATUS SPECIES: "FW33 — Authorize no action in suitable habitat for threatened and endangered species if it would jeopardize the continued ...
151 Avoid or mitigate the impact of surface-disturbing activities on riparian-wetland areas. FLOODPLAINS AND RIPARIAN AREAS: "RI01 — Avoid or mitigate the impact of surface-disturbing activities on riparian-wetland areas. Riparian habitat ...
5722 BLM will implement a training program for all personnel relative to their responsibilities. GREEN RIVER FISH: "BLM, in coordination with the FWS, will implement a training program for all personnel relative to their responsibilities to the ...
5707 BLM will initiate a long-term monitoring plan incorporating the following objectives. UINTA BASIN HOOKLESS CACTUS: "BLM will initiate a long-term monitoring plan incorporating the following objectives: Measure demographic, life ...
132 Construct all power lines to prevent electrocution of raptors. FISH AND WILDLIFE: "FW14 — Construct or modify all power lines to prevent electrocution of raptors."
118 Construct new roads to standards which will improve watershed conditions. SOIL AND WATER RESOURCES: "Construct new roads to standards that will maintain or improve watershed conditions."
126 Construction equipment arriving from off-lease locations will be power-washed to prevent new weed species spreading. VEGETATION: "NWM—1 — To prevent the introduction of new weed species into the project area, construction equipment arriving from off-lease ...
5732 Consult with the Ute Tribe for the protection of areas and items of tradition. CULTURAL RESOURCES: "PW01 — Consult with the Ute Tribe for the protection of areas and items of traditional lifeways and religious significance"
119 Continue to dispose produced water from oil and gas wells Soil and Water Resources: "SW10 — Produced water from oil and gas wells will continue to be disposed of by authorized methods that could include ...
5729 Developed recreation sites within the ACEC will be closed to grazing and surface-disturbing activities. RECREATION: "PW25 — Developed recreation sites within the ACEC will be closed to grazing and surface-disturbing activities not directly related to ...
5730 DMRA will adhere to the following significance criteria for cultural resources. CULTURAL RESOURCES: "CR04 — DMRA will adhere to the following significance criteria for cultural resources: Should significant, in terms of ...
149 DMRA will comply with UAC Regulation, which prohibits the use of roadways without taking appropriate dust abatement measures. AIR QUALITY: "AQ02 — DMRA will comply with UAC Regulation R446-1-4.5.3, which prohibits the use, maintenance or construction of roadways without ...
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