University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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You are viewing BMP records related to the Pinedale Anticline Oil & Gas Exploration & Development Project Record of Decision, Appendix A: Wyoming Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Mitigation Guidelines and Standard Practices for Surface-Disturbing and Disruptive Activities publication.

BMP ID Short Title Text of BMP
1271 Apply appropriate erosion control measures "Appropriate erosion control and revegetation measures will be employed. Grading and landscaping will be used to minimize slopes, and water bars will ...
1296 Apply erosion control measures for roads "To control or reduce sediment from roads, guidance involving proper road placement and buffer strips to stream channels, graveling, proper drainage, ...
1247 Avoid areas susceptible to erosion and with high salinity "Erosion-prone areas (e.g., drainages) or high-salinity areas will be avoided where possible. Necessary construction in these areas will be done to ...
1286 BLM reserve pit inspection before liner installation "Prior to installation of reserve pit liners and/or fluids, reserve pits will be inspected by BLM personnel."
1251 Bury pipelines crossing channels "Channel crossings by pipeline will be constructed so that the pipe is buried at least 4 ft below the channel bottom."
1222 Consider pad drilling "Wetland- Pad drilling should be considered by the COE as a viable alternative to reducing wetland impacts."
1232 Consider surface pipelines on steep slopes to reduce erosion "Surface Water-Throughout the PAPA, the feasibility of surface pipelines will be considered, on a case-by-case basis, where steep slopes are ...
1250 Construct channel crossings perpendicular to flow "Channel crossings by roads and pipelines will be constructed perpendicular to flow. Streams/channels crossed by roads will have culverts installed ...
1291 Construct pits to protect water resources "Both produced water and reserve pits should be constructed to ensure protection of surface and ground water. The review to determine the need for ...
1288 Construct reserve pits properly "Operators will construct reserve pits with 2 ft. of freeboard in cut areas or in compacted and stabilized fill. "
2226 Construction restrictions: Well Pads and Roads "The operators will avoid placing roads or constructing well pads in highly suitable sage grouse nesting habitat (high density sagebrush throughout ...
1246 Contain oil, produced water, and drilling fluids "Proper containment of oil and produced water in tanks, drilling fluids in reserve pits..."
1240 Coordinate wetland/water disturbance with the COE and secure permits "Any disturbances to wetlands and/or waters of the U.S. will be coordinated with the COE, and 404 permits will be secured as necessary prior to ...
1249 Cross streams perpendicular to flow "Streams will be crossed perpendiculare to flow, where possible, and all stream crossing structures will be designed to carry the 25-year discharge ...
1238 Cross wetlands during dry conditions "Where disturbance of wetlands, riparian areas, streams, and ephemeral/intermittent stream channels cannot be avoided, COE Section 404 permits will ...
1295 Design roads to reduce sediment, salt, and phosphate loading to nearby rivers "Roads will be constructed as described in BLM Manual 9113. New main artery roads will be designed to reduce sediment, salt, and phosphate loading to ...
1233 Develop erosion control designs to treat runoff in conjunction with APD Surface Use Program "Surface Water-The operators, in conjunction with the development of their APD Surface Use Program, where there is the reasonable expectation for ...
1082 Develop surface water monitoring program "Surface Water Monitoring-The operators will develop a surface water monitoring program in cooperation with the State of Wyoming and BLM. The ...
1080 Develop surface water monitoring program "Surface Water Monitoring-...The monitoring program must be designed to verify that the rivers do or do not continue to support their designated use. ...
1079 Develop surface water monitoring program "Surface Water Monitoring-... In addition to chemical components, the monitoring program should include channel conditions near culverts and ...
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