University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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You are viewing BMP records related to the Recommendations for Development of Oil and Gas Resources within Crucial and Important Wildlife Habitats (2004 and 2009 editions) publication.

BMP ID Short Title Text of BMP
1042 Aboveground facilities will not be located near raptor nests "Well pads, access roads, and other aboveground facilities will not be located within 825 feet of an active raptor nest, within 1,000 feet of an ...
1052 Advise personnel regarding speed limits and reclaim roads "To minimize wildlife mortality due to vehicle collisions, Operators would continue to advise project personnel regarding appropriate speed limits ...
1006 All employees should receive environmental awareness training "Human Activity & Secondary Effects: All employees should receive environmental awareness training during orientation. BLM should fund development of ...
1037 Apply buffers and timing restrictions to reduce impacts on raptor nest sites "Raptor nesting habitat: Apply buffers and timing restrictions to reduce the impacts of construction, operations, noise, and human presence on raptor ...
2046 Apply seasonal use restrictions for big game "Pronghorn: high impact: Apply seasonal use restrictions for big game (standard drilling stipulations). No drilling on crucial winter ranges from 15 ...
955 Apply seasonal use restrictions for big game "Moderate impact: Apply seasonal use restrictions for big game (standard drilling stipulations). No drilling on crucial winter ranges from 15 ...
1049 Avoid areas with high erosion potential "Areas with high erosion potential and/or rugged topography (i.e., steep slopes, dunes, floodplains, unstable soils) would be avoided, where ...
56 Avoid discharging hydrostatic test waters directly into streams "Stream Habitats and Riparian Corridors: Hydrostatic test waters released during pipeline construction could cause alterations of stream channels, ...
39 Avoid disrupting channel stability/water velocity with structures crossing streams "Roads: Locate and construct all structures crossing intermittent and perennial streams such that they do not decrease channel stability or increase ...
1009 Avoid exposing or spilling hydrocarbon products. "Pollutants, Toxic Substances, Fugitive Dust, Erosion and Sedimentation: Avoid exposing or spilling hydrocarbon products on the surface."
1030 Avoid restricting corridors such that a bottleneck is created "Big Game Migration Corridors: Within broader migration corridors exceeding 0.5 mi width, the recommended management prescription is to maintain ...
52 Avoid stripping riparian canopy or stream bank vegetation "Stream habitats and Riparian Corridors: Avoid stripping riparian canopy or stream bank vegetation if possible. It is preferable to crush or shear ...
1066 Avoid surface disturbance in prairie dog towns "Where practical, surface disturbance in all prairie dog towns would be avoided."
1007 Avoid walking into view of wildlife Standard mitigation practice: "Employees should be instructed to avoid walking away from vehicles or facilities into view of wildlife, especially ...
49 Bore underneath stream for pipelines crossing perennial streams "Stream habitats and Riparian Corridors: Any pipeline crossing of a perennial stream should be done by boring underneath the stream rather than ...
997 Bury power lines in or adjacent to roads "Ancillary Facilities: Bury power lines in or adjacent to roads where possible."
1019 Clean and sanitize all equipment brought in from other regions "Noxious Weeds: Clean and sanitize all equipment brought in from other regions. Seeds and propagules of noxious plants are commonly imported by ...
1020 Clean mud from boots/work shoes before traveling to work site "Noxious Weeds: Request employees to clean mud from boots/work shoes before traveling to the work site, to prevent importation of noxious weeds."
979 Cluster drill pads, roads, and facilities in "low-impact" areas "Pre-planning: Cluster drill pads, roads and facilities in specific, "low-impact" areas, if geologically feasible."
2061 Condensate removal "Sage Grouse: Impact Thresholds: high impact: condensate removal... Truck traffic should be scheduled such that it does not coincide with the display ...
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